Tuesday, May 30, 2006

100 thousand idr instant noodle, trader get hit by people

A trader in Bantul ( place that got big earthquake in Indonesia ) get hit by the villager there because selling instant noodle in a high price. He sell a box of instant noodle for IDR 100.000 ( Indonesian Rupiah ), usually the price is about IDR 28.000-IDR 32.000. After being punched by villager, he said sorry then sell it with a normal price. Villager got angry because this man try to get benefit from their suffering.

" Darn him, we're so suffered here, and he wants to get high profit ", said one of the volunter that watch that incident.

Most of food price went higher since the earthquake four days ago. Because foods and water is scarce there. The aid from government move slowly and some of it get lot from people that live beside the big road ( they stopped the truck and steal all the aid for themselves ). Now , the truck with aid get guard from Indonesian soldier.


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