Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Indonesia's Armed Forces Ready for Mid East

46 armored vehicle with 678 soldiers from Indonesia's army are ready to be sent to Mid East. All of the vehicle being colored white with black UN font on its body. The names of this troop is Peacekeeper Troops, will be head by Liutenant Colonel Inf Fadillah. Each of soldiers will hold SS1 and M-16.

They will depart from Indonesia as soon as UN give instruction.

One of Indonesian worker died because of Israel's missile. Her name is Siti Maemunah, she works as maid in Lebanon, she died with all of the family that she worked for. Her corpse arrived in Indonesia yesterday.


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7:54 PM  
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8:09 AM  
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6:14 AM  
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8:08 AM  

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